Friday, September 06, 2013

SYRIA - Congressman's View, Representative Alan Grayson

"Rep. Alan Grayson:  U.S. Has to Stop Focusing on Sending a Message on Syria" PBS Newshour 9/5/2013


JEFFREY BROWN (Newshour):  And we come back to Syria and the debate in Congress over a military strike.

We have had one-on-one talks this week with two senators, Michigan Democrat Carl Levin and Nebraska Republican Deb Fischer.

Tonight, the view of a House Democrat leading the charge against using force.

Florida Representative Alan Grayson serves on the Foreign Affairs Committee.  I spoke with him from Capitol Hill a short time ago.

Well, thanks for joining us.

Ah!  Another isolationist who would have voted to keep America out of WWII if he had been there.  Some of his arguments were the same ones used previous to Perl Harbor attack.

Isolationist views like this DO NOT protect the U.S., sometimes we need a pro-active stance.

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