Friday, September 20, 2013

HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGES - What Premiums Might Cost? (Series Part 3)

"How Does Health Care Reform Affect the Cost of Insurance Premiums?" PBS Newshour 9/19/2013


SUMMARY:  Whether you already have health insurance or will soon be shopping for coverage through one of the insurance exchanges, what can you expect to happen to the cost of your premiums?  NewsHour analyst Susan Dentzer joins Ray Suarez to answer some of our most frequently asked questions about the new health care reform law.

RAY SUAREZ (Newshour):  We again focus on essential questions about the exchanges and insurance rates.  Tonight, what do we know about what premiums might cost?

We have received a lot of questions about this, and this time we're joined by "NewsHour" regular Susan Dentzer.

Susan, there's widespread either misunderstanding or confusion about what this is going to mean, even among people who are already insured.  They think something is coming to change their lives.  We got questions like this one.

BURTON CATLEDGE, Odenton, Md.:  My name is Burton Catledge.  I'm from Odenton, Maryland.

And my question for the Affordable Care Act is, will the premiums go up for those that currently have health insurance, and, if so, how much?

RAY SUAREZ:  Do we even know that yet?

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