Tuesday, October 02, 2012

SUPREME COURT - First Monday in October 2012

"New Session of Supreme Court Expects Cases on Voting Rights, Same-Sex Marriage" PBS Newshour 10/1/2012


SUMMARY: The U.S. Supreme Court begins its fall session and is expected to review cases on hot issues including same-sex marriage, voting rights and affirmative action. Jeffrey Brown talks to The National Law Journal's Marcia Coyle for more on the important cases and the impact of the Supreme Court's potential rulings.

JEFFREY BROWN (Newshour): The first Monday in October, three months after upholding President Obama's health care law, the Supreme Court was back with a docket that may even rival last year's term for drama.

The justices will decide a case on affirmative action in higher education, and are expected to take up disputes on same-sex marriage, civil rights law, and more.

The term opened today with arguments in another controversial case: whether businesses can be sued in U.S. courts for human rights violations that occur in foreign countries.

Marcia Coyle of "The National Law Journal" was in the courtroom this morning and is back with us tonight.

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