Tuesday, October 30, 2012

POLITICS - Tailored Political Ads

"How Campaigns Amass Your Personal Information to Deliver Tailored Political Ads" PBS Newshour 10/29/2012


SUMMARY: Political advertisers now have unprecedented access to online browsing data, and the presidential campaigns are using gathered information to slice and dice the electorate and engage with voters on issues that are most relevant to their lives. Hari Sreenivasan reports in collaboration with Frontline, Marketplace and ProPublica.

HARI SREENIVASAN (Newshour): That's me at home surrounded by my digital devices. Like many of you, I'm spending more of my time online. It's how I stay connected. It's where I get my news and entertainment. And TV? I still watch it, but on my own schedule. And like much of America, I have spent the last few months being inundated by political advertising. Seems like no matter where I go, there they are.

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