Thursday, February 13, 2014

CLOSING THE GAP - Fix? More Education, Fewer Broken Families (Converstation-2)

"Closing the Gap:  Sen. Marco Rubio on how more education, fewer broken families can change income inequality" PBS Newshour 2/12/2014


SUMMARY:  In the debate over how to cure income inequality, talk about poverty and opportunity are increasingly converging.  In a series of conversations about the growing divide between rich and poor, Gwen Ifill talks to Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., about the importance of encouraging strong families and improving educational opportunities as keys to restoring the American dream.

GWEN IFILL (Newshour):  In recent months, the stubborn prosperity divide between the rich and poor in this country has gained the attention of both Democrats and Republicans.  The issue is also the focus of our ongoing series Closing the Gap.

Last week, Judy spoke with Democratic Congressman George Miller of California about how he believes the problem should be tackled.

Today, I spoke earlier today with Sen. Marco Rubio in his Capitol Hill office.  The Florida Republican recently unveiled his own anti-poverty agenda.

Having viewed this video, and my tendency of NOT trusting Republicans, Sen. Rubio ideas actually sound good.

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