Monday, October 23, 2017

U.S. SENATE - Bipartisan Health Care?

IMHO:  Not likely.  Trump and Republicans are still hellbent in killing the ACA (aka Obamacare) and NOT giving American true health care coverage.  American lives are just not worth spending money on in their book. ðŸ˜¡

"Senators take a bipartisan step toward a health care fix" PBS NewsHour 10/17/2017


SUMMARY:  Two leading senators reached a bipartisan deal Tuesday to stabilize health insurance markets under Obamacare.  Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash) said their two-year compromise would fund federal subsidies that President Trump ended last week.  Judy Woodruff sits down with Lisa Desjardins to discuss how this plan will give states more flexibility.

"Trump pullback from bipartisan health care fix gives Washington whiplash" PBS NewsHour 10/18/2017


SUMMARY:  A bipartisan plan reached Tuesday to stabilize health care markets initially drew support from President Trump, but more recent statements -- in public remarks, from the White House and on Twitter -- have sent contradictory signals about Mr. Trump’s stance.  Lisa Desjardins reports on the changes the White House says it’s is hoping to see to support the deal.

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