Monday, October 30, 2017

NORTH KOREA - Messages

"Standing at the world's most dangerous border, Mattis sends a warning to North Korea" PBS NewsHour 10/27/2017


SUMMARY:  On an unannounced visit to the heavily fortified demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis reaffirmed the U.S. alliance with the South in the face of increasing provocations from the North, while declaring a commitment to diplomacy and denuclearization of the peninsula.  John Yang reports on the administration's efforts to increase pressure on North Korea.

"When we talk about North Korea, we forget what's happening to its people" PBS NewsHour 10/27/2017 ðŸ˜¢


SUMMARY:  When Min Jin Lee sees the latest headlines about nuclear weapons in North Korea, she thinks of her father, who fled the republic when he was 16, and lost touch with his family.  And Lee thinks of not just the remains of her family still there, but the millions of people in that nation who are like hostages in their own land.  Lee offers her humble opinion on having compassion for the people of North Korea.

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