Thursday, June 19, 2014

IRAQ - What Are U.S. Options?

"U.S. weighs potential military response in Iraq" PBS NewsHour 6/14/2014


HARI SREENIVASAN (NewsHour):  What are America’s military options (for Iraq)?  For more on that, we are joined by Janine Davidson.  She is a senior fellow for defense policy at the Council on Foreign Relations.  So the president has said repeatedly no boots on the ground and here we have an aircraft carrier off the coast.  Does that mean U.S. drones are the most likely or aircraft launched from these carriers?

JANINE DAVIDSON, Council on Foreign Relations:  It means options.  An aircraft carrier can do an array of things from intelligence to airstrikes.

HARI SREENIVASAN:  And then in these sort of densely populated areas, are we likely to incur greater civilian casualties if we don’t have people on the ground?

JANINE DAVIDSON:  That is the greatest risk of airstrikes and why some people think they’re not really a viable option.  You really need people on the ground calling in where those things are going to happen, especially in an urban environment.  Now if there are areas where the enemy is in an open space and you can confirm, then it may be more viable.

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