Thursday, June 12, 2014

CULTURE AT RISK - Bringing a New Generation to the Idea of National Park Preservation

"Young people learn trade of preservation with hands-on work at Shenandoah" PBS NewsHour 6/10/2014


JEFFREY BROWN (NewsHour):  High atop Central Virginia’s Shenandoah Mountains, these students are continuing work begun 75 years ago.

They have been renovating the Skyland Stables, which for generations have provided national park visitors with horses to ride along 200 miles of equestrian trails.  This is the pilot project of the Hands-On Preservation Experience, or HOPE Crew, a new nationwide initiative from the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Monica Rhodes is its volunteer coordinator.

MONICA RHODES, National Trust for Historic Preservation:  What the National Trust hopes to bring to this — through this new initiative is an opportunity for a younger, more diverse audience to get involved with these buildings, to really interact with their environment and contribute to their country.

JEFFREY BROWN:  The Trust is partnering with the National Park Service, the Corps Network and other groups to bring a new generation into the preservation fold across the country.

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