Monday, March 13, 2006

POLITICS - Abortion, My Own Stance

After my previous article "One Man's Abortion Story" I realized that I should state my own stance on this hot issue.


  • I am a true-blue Agnostic. Though I "know" The Almighty (my personal designation for God, which reminds me and others who I am talking about) exists, but I believe all religions to be human inventions and thereby faulty. For me, there are just too many contradictions in the world's religions to support any one religion as consecrated by The Almighty.

  • Also, I personally don't need another human to act as a go-between, between me and God. I consider books like the Christian Bible (in all its numerous versions), Torah, or the Koran, as "Good Books" written by men as a dialog on man's relationship to The Almighty, but not as edicts from The Almighty.

  • So, on the abortion issue. First I do not like the idea of abortions in general but can see the need if a woman's life is in danger. As to the areas dealing with rape and incest, I do have misgivings.

Having said that, on an ethical level, I believe the following:

  1. (I glance down to check) Yap, I'm male, so how can I justify telling women what to do when it comes to abortion? I cannot be denied that this is primarily a female issue.

  2. When does a fetus become a human being. The Pro-Life side believes at conception but I have no proof that is the truth, and they have only their faith.

  3. Abortion may kill a fetus but a living mother can have another.

  4. To birth a child, to bring it into the world, at the core is a female issue. It is a convenient between women and The Almighty. You, me, the State (local, state, or federal government) have no business judging this convenient or defining it. As to religions, they can only provide guidance to their followers, but have no right to force others to believe as they do.

That is what makes me Pro-Choice, which is not Pro-Abortion. It is for women to choose and not anyone else no matter their moral stance.

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