Monday, September 27, 2021

END OF AN ERA - The World After Angela Merkel?

"Germany faces tight race to replace Angela Merkel, with climate change as top voter issuePBS NewsHour 9/24/2021


SUMMARY:  Germany is one of America's most important allies.  Nearly every American president since George W. Bush has worked closely with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  But for the first time since 2005, she will not be a candidate when Germans head to the polls this Sunday to vote for her successor.  Special correspondent Malcolm Brabant is in Berlin with a preview of this upcoming election.



"Germany’s deadlock election highlights voters’ generational dividePBS NewsHour 9/27/2021


SUMMARY:  Angela Merkel is staying on as interim German Chancellor after the country’s election ended in virtual deadlock. Talks aimed at establishing a new coalition government are underway, but could take months. Special correspondent Malcolm Brabant reports from Berlin.

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