Monday, December 18, 2017

ALABAMA - Doug Jones WINS 😂

aka "A Republican pedophile looses Senate race in Alabama"

"‘Solid red state’ Alabama elects Democrat Doug Jones to Senate" PBS NewsHour 12/12/2017


SUMMARY:  Democrat Doug Jones is projected to win the Alabama special election to fill the Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a race that wasn’t expected to be competitive.  The NewsHour's Daniel Bush and Don Dailey of Alabama Public Television join Judy Woodruff from Birmingham to discuss what led to Jones’ victory and how Republican Roy Moore fell short.

"What are Alabama voters expecting from Doug Jones?" PBS NewsHour 12/13/2017


SUMMARY:  With a surprisingly strong turnout, voters in one of the most Republican states elected a Democrat to the U.S. Senate and repudiated its controversial GOP nominee.  John Yang reports on the upset in Alabama’s election and Judy Woodruff talks to Alabama Rep. Terri Sewell [D-Al] -- who up till now was the only Democrat in that state’s delegation -- about what we can expect from Doug Jones in office.

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