Monday, December 21, 2015

REFUGEES - Given Voice

"Humans of New York gives U.S.-bound refugees a voice" PBS NewsHour 12/16/2015


SUMMARY:  Brandon Stanton stops random people on the street, takes their photo and learns what about their personal stories makes them unique.  He's the photographer behind Humans of New York, a blog and social media feeds seen by millions.  Lately Stanton has traveled to Turkey and Jordan to visit refugees and share their accounts with his international audience.  Hari Sreenivasan reports.

BRANDON STANTON, Humans of New York:  My name is Brandon Stanton.  I run the Web site Humans of New York.  And I stop random people on the streets of New York City, and I learn their stories.

HARI SREENIVASAN (NewsHour):  In five years, Brandon Stanton has learned and shared the stories of thousands of people.

So, how often do you shoot?  Every day?

BRANDON STANTON:  Every day, yes.  I got to keep the blog going.  If I ever — if I stop shooting, the blog stops.

HARI SREENIVASAN:  The blog doesn’t stop.

Sixteen million people see his portraits and the captions that go with them on Facebook.  Another 4.4 million follow along on Instagram.

BRANDON STANTON:  I’m never really looking for the thing that makes somebody the same as everybody else, because I have interviewed 10,000 people.


BRANDON STANTON:  So, in order to keep my blog interesting, I need to find something different about that person than about the other 10,000 people I have interviewed.

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