Wednesday, August 21, 2013

MEDIA - Al Jazeera America Cable Debuts

COMMENT:  Since a small segment of Arab world and fanatic Islamists consider the U.S. (and the West in general) enemies, it behooves us to pay attention to Arab media.  Also note that Al Jazeera America (was Current TV) has been online for years, as Al Jazerra English.

"Al Jazeera America Debuts on Cable Amid Availability Concerns in Crowded Market" PBS Newshour 8/20/2013


SUMMARY:  A new contender is launching in the competitive cable news market.  Al Jazeera America promises more in-depth domestic news and fewer commercials.  Judy Woodruff talks with Deborah Potter of NewsLab and Philip Seib of the University of Southern California for more on what to expect from the new network.

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Due to online video rights, parts of this story broadcast on PBS NewsHour could not be published on the website.  Please see below for a full transcript of the segment.

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