Friday, February 22, 2013

SYRIA - Powerful Car Bombs Closer to Assad in Damascus

"Powerful Car Bomb Attack Kills More Than 50 People in Damascus" PBS Newshour 2/21/2013


LINDSEY HILSUM, Independent Television News:  At least three bombs exploded in downtown Damascus this morning, a coordinated assault designed to kill and maim.

A car which the Syrian government said was carrying five bombs exploded just outside the headquarters of President Assad's Baath Party, dozens killed, hundreds injured, devastating damage, more evidence that, even in the heart of the capital, Syrian civilians are not safe.  Survivors shown on Syrian state TV blamed Jabhat al-Nusra, the jihadi wing of the rebels linked to al-Qaida.

MAN:  This is terrorism.  It's murder.  It's un-Islamic.  You're telling me it was done by al-Nusra?  I hope God never forgives them.

MAN:  We think Jabhat al-Nusra and the Wahhabi terrorists did this.

LINDSEY HILSUM:  A rebel video reveals that the last man shows up frequently on state TV, often as an eyewitness, sometimes as a soldier.  He spouts government propaganda.  The video exposing him is rebel propaganda.

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