Tuesday, September 14, 2010

ECONOMY - More on Midterm Tax Cut Debate

"Shields and Brooks Examine 'Islamaphobia,' Obama's Midterm Tax Cut Debate" PBS Newshour Transcript (has video) 9/10/2010

Excerpt (on tax cuts)

MARK SHIELDS (syndicated columnist): And I just wanted to point this out, that Bill Clinton came into office on January 20, 1993. He left on January 20, 2001. He raised taxes to a spectacularly high level, by Republican standards, to 39.6 percent. There were, in Bill Clinton's eight years, 21,872,000 jobs created in the private sector.

George Bush came in, and, following the lead of Mr. Taylor and others, cut taxes to their lowest, to 33 percent. During George Bush's eight years in the White House, from January 20, 2001, to 2009, the country lost 672,000 jobs.

JIM LEHRER (Newshour): And you think there is a direct connection?

MARK SHIELDS: Well, I mean, there obviously is, because David told us last week that, if we raised it, it was going to hurt the economy.

Tax cuts for the top 2% of taxpayers = pork for the rich.

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