Monday, August 23, 2010

POLITICS - The GOP's Chicken Little

"GOP Using Fear Of Sharia To Win" Times Record 8/23/2010

Chicken Little has apparently taken over the Republican Party. Republican politicians are actually promoting the insanely paranoid idea that America is in danger of being ruled by Sharia law, which is Islamic law as derived from the Koran.

Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is considered a likely presidential candidate. He is also often an invited guest on respected news talk programs. In a recent speech, Gingrich warned: "I believe Sharia is a mortal threat to the survival of freedom in the United States." Gingrich said that the "fight against Sharia" is so important that he intends to propose a new law "that no court anywhere in the United States will be allowed to substitute Sharia for American law."

Such a ridiculous idea deserves condemnation, but some Republican members of Congress have even parroted his idea. Either Mr. Gingrich does not understand the meaning of the First Amendment to our Constitution or he is simply drumming up votes through the politics of fear.

The newest member of the Supreme Court is Elena Kagan, who is Jewish. While she was dean of Harvard Law School, she established a program to study Islamic finance so students could better understand dealing with Islamic countries and businesses in a global economy. The main difference between our financial system and theirs is that they don't charge interest. Sen. Jeff Sessions and others tried to block her nomination based on their agreement with right-wing pundit Frank Gaffney that Kagan was actually part of a "concerted and ominous campaign under way to bring Sharia to America."

Other Republican lawmakers have made unsubstantiated claims that Muslim interns on Capitol Hill are actually spies "conspiring to Islamize America." In all these instances, the unfounded auspiciousness and the delusions of persecution would support a prognosis of paranoia.

The GOP, as usual, is TOTALLY WRONG. The REAL danger to America is being ruled by Fundamentalist Biblical law.

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