Friday, July 23, 2010

POLITICS - Right-Wing Journalism

"Right Wing 'Journalism' for Dummies" Rightardia 7/22/1010

The problem with right wing journalism is that it is very weak. Remember Jeff Gannon of Talon News during the Bush Administration? He was a pornographer turned journalist. Then there is Rush Limbaugh who failed every class he ever took in college and Glen Beck, the college dropout, who never finished his degree either.

The only credible journalist on Fox news is Shep Smith and perhaps occasionally Bill O'Reilly on Fox News.

Rightardia has seen Tea Party videos edited to make the demonstrations appear larger than they really were, Gretchen Carlson got spoofed by the Taliban monkeys story and Fox also had to apologize about the Al Gore masseuse story. That story was flagged as suspicious when it first appeared.

Fox news is becoming the cable version of the National Enquirer.

Andrew Breitbart who defamed Shirley Sherrod, graduated from Tulane University, but he was never in journalism school. This is a real problem because many of these pseudo-journalists don't understand J-school concepts like libel, reliable sources, and defamation of character. The people who populate mainstream media do understand these concepts.

Even on MSNBC there is a desire to show both sides of the story. If there is a progressive panelist, there is a conservative counter panelist in the split screen.

If conservative media can't start to be more objective about news, perhaps the Fairness Doctrine will need to be restored. Conservative media is just making too many mistakes. It nearly cost a fine women, Shirely Sherrod, her career.

I'll suggest another fair (has interviews from multiple sides of an issue) journalism site, PBS Newshour (PBS TV & WEB).

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