Wednesday, May 09, 2012

HEALTH - Obesity in America and Life Expectancy

"Will Obesity Reverse Rise in U.S. Life Expectancy?" PBS Newshour 5/8/2012


GWEN IFILL (Newshour): Public health experts have long warned of a growing obesity epidemic in America.

This week, government officials and others have launched a major campaign, warning those long-feared consequences are at hand. In a 474-page report, the Institute of Medicine called for systemic policy changes, from overhauling farm policies and the way food is marketed, to building more walkable neighborhoods, to ensuring children get at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day.

Our Health Unit has an in-depth look tonight, beginning with a Ray Suarez report on the rising toll.

RAY SUAREZ (Newshour): Americans are fat and continue to get fatter. Today, two out of three adults in this country are overweight or obese.

"Obesity in America: By the Numbers" by Joey Chou and Jason Kane, PBS Newshour 5/8/2012

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