Friday, April 20, 2012

POLITICS - The Outrage Over GSA Spending

"Congress Agrees on 1 Thing: GSA Scandal an Outrage" PBS Newshour 4/19/2012


REP. TIM WALZ, D-Minn.: It goes beyond public trust. It goes beyond the thought that how can we get to a point of that type of selfishness, when others are being asked to do more with less.

KWAME HOLMAN (Newshour): Even with bipartisanship at the Capitol in short supply these days, one issue has had Democrats and Republicans speaking with a unified voice: the spending scandal at the General Services Administration.

At the time of this post the video prematurely ends, here's the last sentence

KWAME HOLMAN: In the meantime, the spotlight will stay on the GSA, at least for now, with additional hearings expected next week.

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