Monday, November 14, 2011

JAPAN - Mapping Radiation post-Fukushima

"Safecast Draws on Power of the Crowd to Map Japan's Radiation" PBS Newshour 11/10/2011


JEFFREY BROWN (Newshour): Now, tracking the spread of radiation in Japan eight months after the tsunami caused a nuclear accident.

Japanese people are using new technology and the power of crowdsourcing to find hotspots.

NewsHour science correspondent Miles O'Brien has the second in a series of stories from Japan. (first: "Earthquake Prediction: Could We Ever Forecast the Next Big One?")

MILES O'BRIEN: In Japan, these days, you never know where you're going to find a hotspot. We are at a highway rest stop halfway between Tokyo and Fukushima, and we are looking for the kind of hotspot you would just as soon avoid.

PIETER FRANKEN, Safecast Japan: On the roof, the cesium didn't really stick very well, so it all flushed down and when it hit the concrete or the stone here, it bonded. So this is like a micro hotspot.

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