Monday, August 30, 2010

POLITICS - Opinion on the Republicans

"The Party of Crazy" by AzBlueMeanie, 8/27/2010


Republicans aren't just wrong this year, they've gone crazy. The inmates have taken over the asylum at the GOP, and there is no responsible adult supervision.

Once again, "This is not your father's GOP." Traditional Republicans and traditional conservatives have fled the party or have been thrown out by its far-right fringe of John Birch Society, states rights nullification theory "Tenthers," anti-government sedition and secessionists, Anti-Constitution radicals who want to "reinterpret" the Constitution or to repeal it, Christian Reconstructionists who want to impose a theocracy, and the usual smattering of religious bigots, xenophobic nativists, and unrepentant racist segregationists.

I have said before I believe what we are witnessing is the implosion of the Republican Party as we have known it, comparable to the final days of the Whig Party and the Know Nothing Party in the 1850s which gave rise to the Republican Party -- and the Civil War.

What is emerging from the wreckage of the GOP is something dark and alien to our long-cherished American values and principles, the Constitution and even American history itself. The far-right fringe should not be permitted the use of the Republican Party label -- the far-right fringe is hijacking this name brand to give themselves legitimacy, but they are not legitimate nor are they the rightful heirs to the traditions and values of the Republican Party that these parasites have hollowed out. Extremism should bear a new name.

I totally agree. This is why I left the GOP in 2000, they are NOT what I thought they were and have only become more fascist of late.

If the American electorate puts Republicans back in charge (which we have the right to do) this mid-term, I would normally say "so be it." Except I, and America in general, will be hurt.

It is the Republicans who dug the economic-hole our nation is in today, but they are very good at propaganda on making the American electorate forget that FACT. They are very good at directing blame to someone else.

Also the American electorate seems NOT to realize that an 8yr economic-hole cannot be filled in just 2yrs.

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