Wednesday, April 14, 2010

POLITICS - The Dodo Bird

"The Fascist Conservative Movement" by Tony B., Gather


President Obama has been vilified for reforming the student loan programs by conservatives.

They say it is excessive government involvement, as usual.

What they actually fear is the rise in lower income individuals to the ranks of educated, informed citizens.

The Conservative Fascist movement is in over drive to prevent anyone from attaining an affordable education, even at the expense of national security.

Traditionally, the Conservative Fascist is a social elitist, overly entitled, right-wing religious antagonistic pool of under achievers who survive off the backs of others.

They clearly have an agenda to limit any and all policies that would enable people the opportunity to an affordable education.

This has always been an innate fear of radical Fascist conservative ideologies, which is slowly going the way of the Dodo Bird.

Bold emphasis mine

Yap! Sock-it-to-'em B.

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