Wednesday, April 07, 2010

POLITICS - Conservative Laments

"Conservative Laments Republicans’ Destruction: the GOP Is Filled With Intolerant Fanatics - Party of Old White Folks" by Tana Ganeva, AlterNet 4/6/2010


In an interesting and kind of sad piece on Frum Forum, conservative Chris Curry chronicles how the GOP became the party of crazy old white people after alienating minorities, women, gays, the young, and even life-long Republicans like himself. Curry says that his ideology — sane — would make him a Marxist in today’s overheated political environment and laments the rise of right-wing screamers who have commandeered the GOP, hastening the party’s destruction and poisoning the national dialogue. As Steve Benen points out, Curry doesn’t offer very much in the way of new analysis, but his eloquent take-down of modern conservatives and the sad, flailing GOP is worth reading:

"How the GOP Purged Me" by Chris Currey, FrumForum 4/5/2010


I am an old Republican. I am religious, yet not a fanatic. I am a free-marketer; yet, I believe in the role of the government as a fair evenhanded referee. I am socially conservative; yet, I believe that my lesbian niece and my gay grandchild should have the full protection of the law and live as free Americans enjoying every aspect of our society with no prejudices and/or restrictions. Nowadays, my political and socio-economic profile would make me a Marxist, not a Republican.

I grew up in an era where William F. Buckley fought the John Birch society and kicked them out of the Republican Party. I grew up with -– in fact voted for the first time for –- Eisenhower. In 1956, he ran a campaign of dignity. A campaign that acknowledged that there are certain projects better suited to be handled by the government. See, business thinks in the short term, as he said. That’s the imperative of the marketplace. I invest and I expect that in a few quarters, I garner the fruits of my investment. Government, on the other hand, has the luxury to wait a few years, maybe decades, for a return on a given investment. As a former businessman, I know that first hand. Am I a Marxist for thinking that?

I witnessed the fight for equal civil rights in the 1960s. And as a proud American, I applauded the passage of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, and we became a better country because of them. Those acts made America stronger. Those acts, at their core, represented and still represent all the values upon which the Republican Party was founded. Yet today, our GOP representatives and leaders are ashamed of them. When they talk about them, you feel their discomfort, their clumsiness, and sometimes their shame. That awkwardness is so strong that it crosses the television screen and hits you in the face in your living room. Why is that? What happened to this generation of Republicans? We are the party of Abraham Lincoln, and yet we act and behave as if we are the party of Nathan Bedford Forrest.

I did not like Medicaid and Medicare when they were passed. I was opposed to them. Maybe I was too young, too strong, and too ideologically confined. Yet, over the years, I saw how Medicare helped millions of elderly Americans. I saw how Medicare helped my mom in her final years battling emphysema caused by years of smoking. You have to be blind to oppose those programs. You have to be blind to wish for the suffering of millions of Americans just because you believe in personal responsibility.

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