Tuesday, March 11, 2014

MALAYSIA - Security Failure on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

"Security failures of missing Malaysian flight spark concern" PBS NewsHour 3/9/2014


HARI SREENIVASAN (NewsHour):  For more about whether the crash of that Malaysian jetliner was an act of terrorism, we are joined now from Washington by Rafi Ron.  He is an aviation security expert and former director of security at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport.

So, Mr. Ron, of what we do know we have a few things confirmed:  We had good weather.  We had experienced pilots.  We had solid safety records for both the airline and the aircraft.  We had no distress signal.  And then we have the incidence of these stolen passports.  Does it all point toward a security failure and terrorism.

RAFI RON:  There’s no question that there is a security failure by the fact that two people were allowed to board the flight with identities that do not belong to them.  But whether this security failure is connected in any way to the destruction of the aircraft – or the disappearance of the aircraft – it is still yet to be determined.  At this time there is no direct evidence to tie up the two events.

"How does a modern jetliner vanish without a trace?" PBS NewsHour 3/10/2014


SUMMARY:  There are still many more questions than answers in the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.  Judy Woodruff asks former NTSB investigator Alan Diehl and former NTSB board member John Goglia to speculate on different known factors and possible theories.

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