Friday, March 14, 2014

ECONOMY - Overtime Pay Reform

"Crunching the costs and benefits of overtime pay reform" PBS NewsHour 3/13/2014


JUDY WOODRUFF (NewsHour):  It’s been nearly a decade since the Bush administration changed the threshold for when overtime pay kicks in.  President Obama announced his own plan today to revise those regulations.  It could mean higher pay for millions of workers, but some businesses are worried about the costs.

Hari Sreenivasan has the story.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA:  Thank you.  Thank you.

HARI SREENIVASAN (NewsHour):  For the president, it’s a new attempt to address pay equity without going through Congress, where his economic agenda is largely stalled.  He’s directing the Labor Department to update overtime pay rules for an estimated five million workers.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA:  Today, I’m going to use my pen to give more Americans the chance to earn the overtime pay that they deserve.  Now, overtime’s a pretty simple idea.  If you have to work more, you should get paid more.

HARI SREENIVASAN:  The focus is on salaried workers, including shift leaders and managers at fast food restaurants and stores who are designated as supervisory and make at least $455 a week.  The president wants to raise that salary threshold and change the definition of supervisor.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA:  It doesn’t make sense that, in some cases, this rule actually makes it possible for salaried workers to be paid less than the minimum wage.  It’s not right when business owners who treat their employees fairly can be undercut by competitors who aren’t treating their employees right.  If you’re working hard, you’re barely making ends meet, you should be paid overtime, period.

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