Friday, February 21, 2014

HIGH SCHOOL - Curbing Conflicts With Conversations

"To curb conflict, a Colorado high school replaces punishment with conversation" PBS Newshour 2/20/2014


SUMMARY:  At Hinkley High School in Aurora, Colo., students, parents and administration are meeting face-to-face to resolve student conflict with conversation.  The number of physical altercations has taken a nosedive as this new type of disciplinary action, called “restorative justice,” replaces suspension.  Hari Sreenivasan has the story.

BONNIE MARTINEZ, Dean of Students, Hinkley High School:  That (this approach), to some people, may be viewed as a soft discipline, especially if you look at the Western culture.  You know, we’re about war and violence.  We’re not about peace and harmony.

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