Monday, June 24, 2013

RELIGION - Gay Christians, Faith is Not a Rational Process

"For One Gay Christian, a Search for Understanding While Hanging on to Faith" PBS Newshour 6/21/2013


SUMMARY:  Author and journalist Jeff Chu joins Ray Suarez to talk about his personal journey coming to terms with being Christian and gay.  In his book, "Does Jesus Really Love Me?", Chu discusses the choices made by gay Christians trying to reconcile their lives, identities and faith.

Significant excerpt

JEFF CHU, Author, "Does Jesus Really Love Me?":  I think, for some people who have ended up on the atheist/agnostic part of the religious spectrum, they feel a sense of triumph.  They feel like reason has won out.

That's not where I have ended up.  I have tried to hang onto my faith, because it is very important to me.  I think the conclusion that I have that is that we can't make these decisions for anyone else.  We're not talking about something that's rational when we're talking about faith.  There is an element of the absurd in it.  Kierkegaard talks about that in his writings.  Faith is not a rational process.

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