Friday, May 03, 2013

TECHNOLOGY - Promise and Pitfalls of Digital Future

"Google's Schmidt and Cohen Discuss Promise and Pitfalls of the Digital Future" PBS Newshour 5/2/2013


SUMMARY:  Google's Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen explore the intersection of technology and democracy in their new book, "The Digital Age:  Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business."  Judy Woodruff talks to the authors about the promise and pitfalls of the digital future.

JUDY WOODRUFF (Newshour):  What a high-tech future may mean for your standard of living, personal privacy and how governments deal with their citizenry, a big subject, to be sure.

But those visions are the focus of a book called "The New Digital Age" by Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, and his co-author, Jared Cohen, who recently worked at the State Department.  He's now at Google as well.

I sat down with them in Washington recently.

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