Sunday, February 19, 2012

IRAN - Nuclear Technology, Trying the Same Delay Tactic

"Could U.S. Accept Iran Having Some Nuclear Technology?" PBS Newshour 2/17/2012


RAY SUAREZ (Newshour): Negotiations over Iran's nuclear program have been stalled for more than a year, and Tehran appears to be moving toward gaining the technology and materials it needs to build nuclear weapons.

Recently, Iran's government sent a letter to Catherine Ashton, the coordinator for talks between Iran and six other nations, indicating it's ready to start again. Ashton met with Secretary of State Clinton afterwards. Hillary Clinton said the letter appeared to acknowledge that the talks must begin with a discussion of Iran's nuclear program.

COMMENT: A "new willingness to resume negotiations with the West?" I cannot believe that we (U.S.) could fall for this very old tactic again.

They will negotiate for a long period while they continue with their nuclear enrichment program. This is a stalling tactic to get the sanctions weakened or lifted, nothing more.

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