Friday, February 17, 2012

AMERICA - OnLine Voting?

"Internet Voting: Will Democracy or Hackers Win?" PBS Newshour 2/16/2012


JUDY WOODRUFF (Newshour): NewsHour science correspondent Miles O'Brien explores why most people still can't vote online.

COMMENT: First, I'm an IT Technician and have experience with security issues, so....

All the comments from computer security specialists in the video are absolutely correct. There is no why to totally protect the Internet from hackers. None.

Having said that the key word is "Internet" = Interconnected Network (aka World Wide Web).

But the Internet is NOT the only type of network. There are Closed Networks. A Close Network is one that DIRECTLY connects computer systems, they do NOT use the Internet nor WiFi. I have experience with Closed Networks because my part-time employer deals with DoD systems that are mandated to use Closed Networks.

The security of Closed Networks is NOT being on the Internet therefore not accessible to hackers. The downside is these systems having to be directly wired (connected) to each other, which is expensive. The only security issue remaining is the employees/operators of these Closed Networks and preventing outsiders from physically taping the exterior connections between systems.

A Closed Network for voting is feasible since the office of the local Registrar Of Voters could be Closed Networked to voting places. And if the computer systems at the Registrar Of Voters is NOT on the Internet, you would have high security. But this will be expensive AND does not address absentee voting.

I bring this up only as a possibility, NOT as a recommendation.

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