Friday, January 06, 2012

LIFE - Lesson From Older Generations, CHOOSE Happiness

"New Book Illustrates Life Lessons From an Older Generation" PBS Newshour 1/5/2012


KARL PILLEMER, author, "30 Lessons for Living": You know, I think if there is one thing they know, it's that you have to be responsible for your own happiness.

And that sounds a little like a cliche, but it hit me strongly with one of my first interviewees, who metaphorically grabbed me by the lapels and said, "Young man" -- and it's fun to be called young man at my age -- "in my 89 years, I have learned that happiness is a choice, and not a condition."

And a lot of the elders experienced a turning point, you know, when they were in despair or devastated, and they turned things around in a moment. They believe that younger people are happy because of things. You know, they're going to be happy or they plan to be happy if something happens.

In their view, younger people should learn how to be happy in spite of things, and choose happiness.

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