Thursday, May 18, 2006

MY EXISTENCE - Personal Belief in my Immortality

I ran into the following quote while reading a long (94 pg) article in the Encyclopedia Britannica on Islam. It struck me as the best I've ever read that matches my personal belief in my immortality.

Islamic thought > Islamic philosophy > The Eastern philosophers > The teachings of Avicenna > The immortality of individual souls

Man can affirm the existence of his soul from direct consciousness of his self (what he means when he says “I”); and he can imagine this happening even in the absence of external objects and bodily organs. This proves, according to Avicenna, that the soul is indivisible, immaterial, and incorruptible substance, not imprinted in matter, but created with the body, which it uses as an instrument. Unlike other immaterial substances (the intelligences and souls of the spheres), it is not pre-eternal but is generated, or made to exist, at the same time as the individual body, which can receive it, is formed. The composition, shape, and disposition of its body and the soul's success or failure in managing and controlling it, the formation of moral habits, and the acquisition of knowledge all contribute to its individuality and difference from other souls. Though the body is not resurrected after its corruption, the soul survives and retains all the individual characteristics, perfections or imperfections, that it achieved in its earthly existence and in this sense is rewarded or punished for its past deeds.

My body/flesh is a temporary home for the real me, my soul. My body is made for this life, on this world, in this universe, and in the end will return to that from which it was made.

It is my soul that is created in the image of the Almighty and is immortal.

Evolution is the means the flesh is modified for existence in this world and does not deny that I am created by the Almighty.

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