Monday, February 06, 2006

POLITICS - The Republican House of Representatives

When you here about reforming Congress there is an article by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Ma), "The Republicans’ Democracy Disorder" that addresses this issue in the House.

If you are interested on what is being talked about outside the Republican leadership, you should read the full article.

Our goal is to allow the House of Representatives to create public policy that is democratically sustainable. Representative democracy is being thwarted by current Republican practice. The Republican leadership has gotten very good at holding roll call votes open and marshaling its troops. This gives them the ability to win by changing only as many votes as they need to pass legislation, thereby allowing some Republican members of Congress who support this ruse to vote against the legislation. Their purpose is to let Republican members hide from the public, so that they can give their constituents an impression that is contrary to where they really stand. That allows members to boast about how they voted against the Republican leadership 40, 50, 60, 70 percent of the time, when in fact they voted with the Republican leadership 100 percent of the time when they were needed.

The above quote is the core of his article. The problem perceived is the Republicans have such a hammer-lock on control of both houses that they can bully others to support their views, especially their fellow Republicans. Think what a "bully" is; someone who thinks he's big and bad enough to beat someone else into submission, like it or not. That sounds like today's Republican Party leadership to me, and note I was a loyal moderate Republican for decades.

By-the-way, from the dictionary: Bully = "a blustering browbeating person; especially : one habitually cruel to others who are weaker."

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