Monday, December 11, 2017

UTILITIES - Rethinking Solar

"Rethinking the utility company as solar power heats up" PBS NewsHour 12/6/2017


SUMMARY:  The plummeting price of solar panels has led to a boom of customers and solar industry jobs.  What does it mean for the evolution of utility companies?  William Brangham reports.

Judy Woodruff (NewsHour):  Now, as the Trump administration is considering whether to put tariffs on solar panels made outside the U.S., the rapidly plummeting price of solar panels has led to a boom in rooftop installations and jobs.

The solar industry now employs almost three times as many people as the coal industry.  This growth is also raising questions about how utility companies should respond.

William Brangham is back with this report from Vermont.  It is part of our occasional series of reports "Peril and Promise - The Challenge of Climate Change."

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