Monday, April 03, 2017


"After health care fail, can Republicans enact their agenda?" PBS NewsHour 3/27/2017


SUMMARY:  Republicans are facing the failure of their health care law to replace the Affordable Care Act, and questions over the investigation into Russia and the Trump administration.  Judy Woodruff talks with Amy Walter of The Cook Political Report and Tamara Keith of NPR about the struggle for the majority party to enact its agenda, plus how the Russia investigation has become a black cloud for the GOP.

"What tumult over Russia investigation, health care means for the GOP" PBS NewsHour 3/28/2017


SUMMARY:  For Republicans, last week's collapse of the effort to repeal Obamacare and the ongoing drama over the investigation into Russian connections with the Trump campaign have put the majority party on a rocky road.  Judy Woodruff speaks with Lisa Desjardins about how Republicans see their path ahead on health care and tax reform.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Missing the point dispute untruths about how ACA came about it contains numerous GOP health reform initiatives like mandate dates back to Reagan. The question is why so intent on repeal when real results show it's been generally good. Why look at soon to be enacted rules 2018 like 80/20 rule! 80% of premiums are to pay bills 20% overhead and HIPAA transaction sets reduced claim cost to about 3-5% in past most money went to executives who brought companies to be their own piggy bank. Forbes and Market watch had op-ed pieces thought reducing executive pay to 25% was good idea for all companies