Monday, February 08, 2016

NEWSHOUR BOOKSHELF - “When Breath Becomes Air”

"Amid death’s throes, young doctor examines life for meaning" PBS NewsHour 2/4/2016


SUMMARY:  By age 36, neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi had earned five degrees across various fields and was at the end of a residency at Stanford.  Then he was diagnosed with lung cancer, a disease that killed him 22 months later.  Facing death, he wrote “When Breath Becomes Air,” a memoir of his search for meaning in his last days.  His widow, Lucy Kalanithi, joins Jeffrey Brown to discuss the book.

JUDY WOODRUFF(NewsHour):  What makes a life worth living?  What gives it meaning?  And how does that change when the time one has left collapses?  These are some of the profound questions taken up in a new memoir by a doctor who suddenly faced his own mortality.

Jeffrey Brown has our newest addition to the "NewsHour Bookshelf."

JEFFREY BROWN (NewsHour):  As a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was used to dealing with life-and-death issues.  He was, by his own account, a driven man who studied literature and philosophy before turning to medicine, earning five degrees along the way.

He was near completion of a rigorous residency at Stanford when, at age 36, he got a diagnosis of lung cancer.

DR. PAUL KALANITHI, Author, “When Breath Becomes Air”:  Five years down the line, I don’t know what I will be doing.  I may be dead.  I may not be.

JEFFREY BROWN:  He would live just 22 months more, and in that time have a child with his wife, Lucy, and write an indelible memoir, “When Breath Becomes Air.”

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