One of the oldest debates in moral philosophy is based in the question “does the end justify the means?” Like most questions of morals, this one does not admit of an easy answer, though there are those who have attempted to answer it categorically. Machiavelli, in The Prince, was unequivocal — the end a ruler sets his sights on is all and any means used to obtain that end are justified. Given that the eponymous prince was Cesare Borgia and the time was Renaissance Italy, the ruling class naturally found this advice very agreeable.
Most philosophers come to a conclusion along the lines of “it depends.” If the end is moral, and the only way to achieve it is immoral, then the end may justify the means. For example, if I can save the life of a child (moral) by lying to a murderer about the child's whereabouts (immoral), then the end is sufficiently important to justify the means. On the other hand if I can convert an atheist to belief in God (moral) by lying to him about God (immoral), then no, the end doesn't justify the means because the means are contradictory to the end.
There are people who, like the Borgias, are firmly convinced that any means are justified to achieve their ends. These are people who are so firmly convinced that they are right that nothing can create even the slightest crack in their certainty. Fundamentalists and extremists of every stripe — on the political left and right, in virtually every religion fall into this category.
While no one in politics is immune from falling into this trap, we've recently seen what I think are some particularly egregious examples of it from members of the Republican Party. In the past couple of weeks it's been revealed that a large number of the leading Senate opponents of the economic stimulus — people who railed against it as everything from ineffective to socialist, have quietly been getting money for their states from that same stimulus and touting its effectiveness — even taking credit for it — people from the same party who excoriated John Kerry for being a flip-flopper — these same people are now reversing themselves on a wholesale basis on anything that the GOP has done or endorsed that President Barack Obama now supports.
In fact, that is the only logic to their actions — if Obama's for it, we're against it. Try KSM in civilian courts — horrors! But under a Republican administration, Richard Reed, the shoe bomber, and hundreds of others were tried (and convicted) in civilian courts . Act aggressively against Al Qaeda and the Taliban, even killing key leaders — horrors! But Obama is soft on terrorism.
I'm not saying that the left is immune to hypocrisy — but the scale of GOP lying (the shoe bomber was an American citizen, Obama hasn't used the word “war” to describe our opposition to terror) and hypocrisy (denouncing the stimulus while taking money and credit for it on the sly and praising its effectiveness, calling for Rahm Emanuel to resign for using the word “retarded” but excusing Rush Limbaugh for the exact same thing) seems to me to be unprecedented.
De Tocqueville said that in a democracy the people get the government we deserve. If we continue to tolerate the Right's “say anything, do anything, as long as it makes the President look bad and gets us elected” assault, then maybe we do deserve them if they are voted in in 2012.
Bold emphasis mine
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