Thursday, September 18, 2008

POLITICS - The GOP's Drill-Drill-Drill Mantra

"Three Cents A Gallon" by Anthony Congiano, Huffington Post


Last night the Democrats caved in on the "drill baby drill" mantra of the GOP and voted to allow the oil companies to drill off shore... sort of.

What the Democrats actually did was apply some very clever strategy back against the Pro-Oil Company Republicans, turned the tables on them, and got more for the United States than anyone could have imagined.

First, a question, did you ever notice that the Republicans never tell you how much savings 'We the People' can expect from drilling off shore? They are screaming, "America needs relief" ... well, we all agree on that one. They scream, "We can get billions of barrels of oil off our shore"... well, that is true but they leave out an extraordinarily important fact - We the People will only save 3 cents a gallon, that's right, just 3 cents.

Startling but it's true... every single estimate shows that American will save 3 cents a gallon in 10 years and up to 7 cents a gallon in 20 years. Do you remember when Glenn Beck mocked those that said, "You won't see any savings for 10 years"? He spit back his retort by screeching, "I want to drill now because I plan on being here in 10 years", but he never did tell you what the savings would be. Bush, McCain, Palin, Limbaugh, none of them ever tell you.

What Tony forgets, the GOP has to payback their Paymasters.

After all, Big-Oil doesn't make those big "donations" for nothing. If you believe otherwise, I've got a bridge in Alaska I'd like you to invest in.

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