Monday, June 01, 2020

GEORGE FLOYD - Autopsy & Institutional Prejudice

There are may posts about what the Floyd Family Preliminary Autopsy found.

What is important is the 'official' autopsy was compromised because, in my opinion, by 'institutional prejudice,' that is they did it as they always have done in the past.  I don't believe this was because of racial prejudice, the official autopsy was done without malice.

Institutional Prejudice
  • As I've sad, doing anything the same way without questioning if procedures should be changedThe 'we always do it this way' excuse.
  • Not empathizing that this was a Preliminary Autopsy and making sure the public knows whyIn this case the tests for preexisting conditions were not complete.  Know one knows if George Floyd had any preexisting conditions.  The authorities are aware of this, but made no real effort to emphasize this.
  • Not having the actual person who performed the official examination of George Floyd on had for the official presentation, who could respond to media questions.  Which does seem to be that current standard for most MEs.
These factors did cause more anger than it should.  Not that people would not be angry, but many just did not realize the Full Autopsy is yet to come.

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