Monday, July 21, 2014

WASHINGTON D.C. - Decriminalizes Marijuana

"Washington D.C. becomes latest jurisdiction to decriminalize marijuana" PBS NewsHour 7/20/2014


HARI SREENIVASAN (NewsHour):  This week, the District of Columbia became the latest jurisdiction to decriminalize possession of marijuana.  It’s part of a growing national trend.  For the latest about all this, we’re joined by Melanie Eversley, a reporter for USA Today.

So, what’s the new rule specifically in D.C., you can’t just walk down the National Mall smoking marijuana now, right?

MELANIE EVERSLEY, USA Today:  Right, right.  Essentially, this law took effect on Thursday.  It basically decriminalizes possession of up to an ounce of marijuana.  So what that means is if you are caught with that on your person, instead of being subject to criminal penalties, what you would get is a $25 ticket, which is less than the cost of a parking ticket here in New York City.

It also changes a couple of other things.  If police smell marijuana while they’re on their beat or whatever, they can no longer search a person for it.  If they also find up to an ounce of marijuana on a person, they can no longer automatically search them, so it drastically changes things.

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