Monday, March 25, 2013

JOBS - Those Without Equal Access to the Internet

"Americans Cut Off From Opportunity Without Equal Access to the Internet" PBS Newshour 3/22/2013


JUDY WOODRUFF (Newshour):  Now we explore the so-called digital divide, the gap in access to the Internet and the challenges posed by how we use it even when we're wired in.

It's been a concern for the Federal Communications Commission.  Today, that agency's head, Julius Genachowski, announced that he will be stepping down soon.

Hari Sreenivasan has the story, the last in our series on broadband and how it's changing our habits, our work, and our communities.

JULIUS GENACHOWSKI, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission:  If you have connectivity, but you don't know how to use the programs and the software, it doesn't really help.

HARI SREENIVASAN (Newshour):  That's outgoing FCC Chairman Genachowski last month on a new effort to close the so-called digital divide.

JULIUS GENACHOWSKI:  If you don't have the digital literacy, you can't even apply for a job and increasingly you're not eligible for a lot of the jobs being that are created in our economy.

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