Friday, September 16, 2011

AMERICA - A Voice From the Past, Jacqueline Kennedy

"Recordings of Jacqueline Kennedy Offer Rare Glimpse of Life With JFK" PBS Newshour 9/15/2011


RAY SUAREZ (Newshour): We are taken into the back, private areas of the White House during some of the most tense times in the 1960s, for instance, the Cuban Missile Crisis, when Jacqueline Kennedy tells historian and Kennedy insider Arthur Schlesinger about what those tense days were like for her and the family.

Let's listen.

MICHAEL BESCHLOSS, presidential historian: Right.

JACQUELINE KENNEDY, former first lady: But I said: "Please, don't send me away to Camp David, you know, me and the children. Please don't send me anywhere. If anything happens, we're all going to say right here with you."

And, you know -- and I said, "Even if there's not room in the bomb shelter in the White House," which I had seen, I said, "Please, then I just want to be on the lawn when it happens, you know, but I just want to be with you and I want to die with you. And the children do, too, than live without you."

RAY SUAREZ: It's a reminder that this wasn't kidding around. The world felt like it was right on the precipice. When the first lady says to the president, "I and the children want to die with you," it was striking.

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