Wednesday, June 01, 2011

HEALTH - Is Your Cell Phone Dangerous?

"Neurosurgeon: 'Your Cell Phone Is Not Necessarily a Safe Device'"
PBS Newshour 5/31/2011

A personal observation

In my 22yrs in the Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician I had training and experience in microwave (aka radar) transmission or radiation. Fact, not all microwave radiation is dangerous.

There are three factors that come into play:
  • The power of the signal

  • The frequency of the signal

  • Proximity to the signal

Your microwave oven (by definition) is a microwave radiation device, and is dangerous. But know it works by using a specific frequency range (see link) and specific power.

The proximity is an issue with cell phones. Proximity to your brain.

The upshot is it would have to be proven that BOTH the radiated power AND frequency of your cell phone are dangerous. Therefore do take the research into consideration but, like any research do not take the results as gospel. Even the study says it's inconclusive.

Also, although I have not read the study, I suspect is a statistical study. Comparing cell phone users to non-users, and cancer rates. I was a math-major in school and know how faulty statistical analysis can be, which is why I do not trust these type of studies for medical research.

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