Thursday, May 27, 2010

POLITICS - Latino Voters Turn Away From GOP

"Latino Voters Turn Away From GOP In Record Numbers, Immigration Reform To Blame" by James Johnson, IndyPosted 5/26/2010

The Grand Ole Party isn’t looking so grand these days for Latino voters. According to a recent NBC/Telemundo poll only 22% of Latinos have a favorable view of the GOP, compared to 37% of white voters.

Newser says the rift shows the gap in beliefs between Latinos and White’s. For example 70% of Caucasian voters support Arizona immigration reform, while only 31% of Latino voters support the initiative.

Latinos also give President Obama a larger approval rating: Latinos (54%), whites (34%). While 58% of Latinos say they trust Democrats to protect their rights, with only 11% saying the same of the GOP.

While the Latino vote is important, the GOP has the backing of another large group, suburban white women.

As GOP 2010 sinks in the West.

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