Friday, February 12, 2010

POLITICS - GOP Display of Ignorance

"More GOP Ignorance About National Security" by Spencer Ackerman, Washington Independent 2/10/2010

Given that the entire GOP congressional leadership just loudly bleated that they know less about FBI procedure than the average moviegoer, maybe Newt Gingrich didn’t want to show how blitheringly ignorant he is. Josh Marshall:

Classic moment last night on The Daily Show when Newt Gingrich explained that it was okay to mirandize “shoe bomber” Richard Reid and not Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab because Reid, unlike Abdulmutallab, is a US citizen.

Only, of course, Reid is a British citizen.

No wonder President Obama’s terrorism poll numbers are rising and the public trusts him to handle terrorism more than the GOP.

This observation about the GOP (all shout, no substance) has been known since Emperor Bush held office. "Hide under your bed everybody!, now elect the GOP to protect the rich you."

Bold emphasis mine

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