The goal of Wall Street in terms of consumers is to drive people into debt.
Given that America has been a nation that has experienced a steady decline in producing real "things," our biggest product now -- by far -- is debt and the interest consumers pay on it. As some perceptive economists have pointed out, the stagnant and disappearing wages of the American worker have been replaced with staggering debt. And on this debt, we pay interest that goes to Wall Street -- where they gamble it away -- after buying off enough senators and representatives to ensure that they, in the words of Assistant Majority Leader Senator Dick Durbin, control Capitol Hill.
Therefore, if everybody is insured for healthcare, that means there will be billions of dollars in less debt for banks to charge usurious interest rates on.
Are you beginning to get the picture?
Republicans opposed Social Security in the '30s and Medicare in the '60s. They champion government aid for banks and businesses "too big to fail," but call it welfare and a violation of "the free [really fixed] market" if aid is proposed for the broken working class.
The gilded, fantasy lifestyle enticingly portrayed in advertising for credit cards is financed by consumer debt at soaring interest rates and penalty fees. What workers and middle class managers should be getting in salary increases is now charged away and borrowed, thus making Wall Street fatter and more capable of taking on higher risk wagers at the financial gambling table.
So, if America succeeds in providing healthcare to nearly all its citizens, it cuts off one more avenue of personal debt. (True reform would also shift unnecessary profit on the part of the healthcare insurance companies into savings in the healthcare system, which is equally abhorrent a thought to the fat wallets of Capitol Hill.)
Republicans and the Blue Dog RepubliCrats need Americans to fail in order to ensure that Wall Street can continue its lavish, reckless lifestyle. And ensuring that means that the campaign contributions keep flowing into the coffers of Max Baucus and company.
It's one heck of a racket, a legalized fleecing scheme.
Unfortunately, the Obama White House has failed to drive home a compelling emotional message to pass the government option -- let alone single payer -- and Obama has appeared to be led more than to lead.
Once again, progressives are back where we were with Bill Clinton, on the defensive in supporting issues that benefit a national community.
The selfish are again triumphing and using a wedge of confusion and fear to decrease support for meaningful healthcare reform.
That's good for the GOP and the Blue Dogs; they can't afford for Americans to succeed in developing a government that can compensate for the predatory practices of the mega-corporations and financial firms that control Capitol Hill and neuter the White House.
And when the Republicans and Blue Dog RepubliCrats succeed, Americans lose.
Reminder, the GOP opposed Social Security. Even if Social Security is not perfect, would any sane American want to abandon it. The same party is all letting Big Business get away with robbery (non-regulation).

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