Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ELECTION '08 - The Great Ol' Pigs (GOP)

"Embrace the pig" from SMT from Raleigh, NC

It seems to me that the best way for Obama to respond to this latest manufactured outrage from the Mighty Wurlitzer is to do something that no Democrat has done before, but that Republicans do all. the. time.

Repeat what he said. Repeat it and repeat it and repeat it. "Like I said yesterday, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. You can wrap a fish in paper, but it's still gonna stink." Laugh while you repeat it. Over and over again, at every campaign event.

It demonstrates that he can't be badgered into submission, that there was no subtext to the statement to begin with, that he's not afraid of McCain or Palin, that he's not afraid of the noise machine, and that he trusts the American public to discern the difference between an issue and utter bullshit.

Don't back down, don't waver or hesitate, don't alter your stump speech, and for god's sake don't explain or ever ever apologize.

Some advice to SMT, he had better hire body guards. The GOP Attack Dogs will be looking for him. After all, how dare he attack God's Anointed.

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