Thursday, September 20, 2007

IRAQ - A Cry of Anger

"No Past, No Future..." by Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues


Is there anything in Iraq that the Americans have not destroyed ?

Anything at all ?

And you dare wonder why I detest you so much...And you have the audacity to come to my blog to question me about my origins, my location, my ideas, my roots, my sense of belonging...

What kind of a race are you ? What kind of a people are you ?

Yes, I said people not government. I am not politically correct. Your government is part of you and you are part of it. Like it or not.

And don't come and tell me in your sheepish ways that I know all too well : " Oh, but I did not vote for this one. "I don't give a fuck whom you voted for or did not vote for. It is not my problem.

My problem is you. Your culture, your behavior, your mentality, your character, your haughtiness, your arrogance, your false pride, your denial, your collective stupidity and ignorance, your way of life which I find boring, empty and distasteful, your accent which is an affront to my ears...and to my senses.

I do not like you. Full stop.

I know, I know, some of you are good people...

I know, I know, America is not a homogeneous group... I know all that shit.

It does not make one iota of difference in my life and that of other Iraqis.

I no longer give a damn about your nuances, your political leanings, how good or how bad you are...It is meaningless to me and to countless others.

Our lives have been ruined, totally ruined...We do not give a fuck about your nuances.

And all I know if that you have destroyed my country. Beyond repair.

We, as a collective people, deserve her anger. We let this outrage in Iraq happen by allowing our own hurt and anger of 9/11 to be WRONGFULLY wroth on the a nation and people who did not have anything to do with 9/11. Led by the consummate lier, G.W. Bush.

And we continue to let this go on, especially the GOP and (of course) our Emperor. Everyone who sits on the fence, supports the Iraq War, or believes that the United States has a duty to convert the world to our definition of Democracy, is at fault. What arrogance! The arrogance of the school-yard bully. It makes ME cry.

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