Friday, December 01, 2006

POLITICS - A Local View, Bush & Iraq

The following UseNet post is from a local San Diego (where I live) group and from a man-on-the-street. Posting here just to let my readers know how locals' see things.

Colin Powell was right from day ONE !! He told George Bush the only truth in the White House over the last maybe 14 years. Powell told Bush... if you invade a country you marry the country and all of its problems. Bush, the world worst puppet leader EVER, wouldn't listen to Powell. Bush only listened to his handlers, Rove, Cheney and big business foreign interests. The result is they had no plan for Iraq after ABOUT May 1 2003.

Just as Hitler and his Nazis i.e. handlers, were held responsible for the war crimes of World War Two, so must George Bush and his handlers. Bush and his handlers went into Iraq not knowing what they were dealing with and as a result are directly responsible for genocide in Iraq. Bush opened the door for civil war, and now genocide in Iraq. He cannot close it because it would be an admission of guilt. Therefore he continues murder our service people and Iraqis at will. George Bush is caught in a trap. He says he will not pull US troops out of Iraq before the mission is over. THERE IS NO MISSION. There never was.

So if Bush won't stop American involvement in Iraq, then we take it out of Bush's hands. It is just that simple. In California we got rid of Gray Davis because he lied to the voters about a problem in the budget, which proves governmental officials can be replaced in ONE manner or ANOTHER. Bush has to be replace. And likewise Cheney, and a number of White House MURDERERS including the entire cabinet.

Paul, you will have a problem with this, but I say any person who is not strong enough to stand up to a horrid president is a coward. And since Powell stayed on as Secretary of State after it was clear Iraq was a total mistake, then Colin Powell is a coward too. Powell should have stepped down in early 2004 and exposed Bush for the fraud he is....... but no ....Colin did not.

But to answer the bigger problem, there is no good that US can do in Iraq now, UNLESS.... the entire rest of the world agrees to change Iraq. The world cannot decide what to do in the Sudan, so that is unlikely. Americans are stuck with another Vietnam for ever and ever and ever.

Brian David Smith, San Diego, California

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